Morning Announcer

KROX Radio in Crookston is looking for an energetic and dependable person to become our new morning shift (5:30 to 11:00 a.m.) announcer.  KROX Radio is a variety/news/sports station that is located in Northwest Minnesota. The morning announcer position is salaried and works every Monday through Friday from 5:30 to 11:00 a.m. The shift includes news broadcasts, a local 15-minute talk show each day, and is a fun and busy shift.  If you like sports, there might be some opportunities to cover sporting events for our website or to do some play-by-play once and a while if interested.

This is a salaried position with IRA contribution and paid vacation. 

All resumes and questions can be sent to or call 218-281-1140 and ask for Chris.