District 7

Source: Office of the Minnesota Secretary State.

Lakeland Media and its stations KWLM-FM, KQIC-FM, KOLV-FM and KLFN-FM Willmar (District 7) The Lakeland Broadcasting stations in Willmar partnered with the United Way on a Stuff-the-Bus campaign that collected 7,306 school supply items and over $4,000 in cash donations. Supplies were distributed to 17 area school districts.

R&J Broadcasting, Inc. and its stations KKCQ-AM, KKCQ-FM, KRJM-FM, KRJM-AM Ada (District 7) held a Radiothon to raise awareness and funds for REACH (Rural Enrichment and Counseling Headquarters). Over $8,000 was raised and was used to support REACH efforts in Clay, Norman, and Becker Counties with their backpack food bank and counseling programs. Over 500 families in the area were supported by the proceeds. The station also donates air time and volunteer time to blood drives and community fundraisers for Ada Future Leaders, White Earth Reservation, Red Lake Reservation, the Local Food Pantry and Lions Clubs.

R&J Broadcasting, Inc. and its stations Brainerd and Aitkin (District 7) Stations teamed up with the Access North organization on the 12 Homes of Christmas campaign. Stations asked listeners to adopt one of the 12 families and purchase gifft from their wish list. In partnership with Access North, gifts are then delivered to the deserving families. Listeners along with the local business community got involved to help support this campaign making it a huge success. In February, R&J Broadcasting, Inc. stations launched a Valentine's promotion to honor deserving veterans and first responders. The response was overwhelming, with countless heartfelt stories from their community. Their team was honored to read through each veteran and first responder story. It was a privilege to celebrate those that serve.

KROX-AM Crookston (District 7)KROX raised $176,431 in a 12-hour radiothon for the Highland Elementary School INclusive PLayground. The playground allows kids, even those with wheelchairs, to play on the playground. KROX also donated over $50,000 in 2024 to Crookston and area schools for scholarships, sports and academic booster clubs, school field trips, after-prom parties, yearbook sponsorships, FFA, sports equipment, and naming rights for a new football field/track and field facility to help cover the cost of upgrades.

Hubbard Radio and its 16 stations in Alexandria, Bemidji, Brainerd, and Wadena (District 7, 8) raised over $187,00 during their annual Take a Stand to End Child Abuse Radiothon. Stations worked with Family Wise Services and Child Abuse Prevention Councils in the communities that they serve to raise funds and awareness.

Leighton Media (Districts 1,6,7) All Leighton Media stations in Alexandria, Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, St. Cloud, and Winona participated in the "Gratitude on Repeat" campaign which encouraged its listeners to nominate a non-profit to receive $25,000 in radio advertising. This campaign has helped local non-profits raise over $1,000,000 since the campaign's inception. The "Gratitude On Repeat" campaign recipients include Ivy's Legacy Foundation, The Shalie Lipp Foundation, Humane Society Otter Tail County, Terebinth, and Winona Area Humane Society.