District 1

Source: Office of the Minnesota Secretary State.

KAAL-TV Rochester/Austin (District 1) KAAL-TV partnered with United Way of Olmsted County on the Stuff the Resource Room one-day initiative which asked viewers to donate hygiene products to the Rochester Public School Districts Resource Rooms for their Community School. The collection garnered over 775 pounds of hygiene products including shampoo, conditioner, laundry soap and more. KAAL-TV is actively involved in collections for Toys for Toys, the Feed the Need Celebrity Chef Cook Off for Channel One Food Bank and much more throughout the year.

KIMT-TV Rochester (District 1) KIMT-TV partnered with Rochester Salvation Army for various initiatives throughout the year including general donation and volunteer support, bell ringing and their Golf for Good event. KIMT donated $26,000 in in-kind value for the Rochester Salvation Army throughout 2024.

Townsquare Media stations Rochester (District 1) Townsquare Media stations in Rochester partnered with various organizations including Gage Elementary School, Neighborhood Resource Center, United Way of Olmsted County, Paws & Claws Humane Society, Salvation Army Rochester and many more. The stations along with their employees volunteered and donated items like backpacks, picking up litter during the, "A Litter Bit Better Campaign," ringing bells for the Salvation Army Rochester and cleaning and organizing the local animal shelter.

iHeartMedia stations Rochester (District 1) iHeartMedia Rochester stations were a media sponsor of the Southeast Minnesota Toys For Tots campaign. The Toys for Tots campaign collected 32,790 toys that were distributed to 9,742 children in eight counties in Southeastern Minnesota. The toy collection set a new record for total toys collected and children supported with this campaign.

KEYC-TV Mankato (District 1) KEYC-TV is actively involved in supporting various community organizations like United Way, Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign and Toys For Tots. This includes producing campaign videos for the organizations, volunteering as board members, running several PSA's, ringing bells for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign and collecting toys and monetary donations for Toys for Tots. In June 2024, heavy rain impacted much of Southern Minnesota and northern Iowa, leading to flooding across much of the region. On June 24, 2024, KEYC was on the air for 10 consecutive hours covering the imminent failure of the Rapidan Dam just upstream of the Mankato area on the Blue Earth River and the emergency situation surrounding flooding in the area. Coverage of the follow-up of the failure of the dam continues to this day.

Alpha Media Luverne (District 1) Over the past year, KQAD-AM was involved with the Luverne Lions Club Annual Fundraiser. Their station helped to raise over $5,000 during this annual campaign.

Radio Works Worthington (District 1) The Radio Works Beach Bash marks its 10th year in July 2025. This event has raised nearly $250,000 for the Lake Okabena Improvement Association, St. Mary's Catholic and Worthington Christian Schools and The Beach Nook.

KTTC-TV Rochester (District 1) KTTC-TV's Eagles Cancer Telethon raised $1,028,000+. Funds raised go to support cancer research at Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Hormel Institute for Cancer Research and the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota.

Radio Mankato stations (District 1) Radio Mankato's, KXAC-FM, KDOG-FM and KATO-FM and staff get involved with the Climb 2 Feed Kids event with proceeds supporting the mission of Feeding Our Communities Partners who's mission it is to alleviate hunger and food insecurity for youth. In 2023, the event raised $95,000. Radio Mankato's stations also support the event with on-air interviews, radio spots and emceeing the event.

Leighton Media (Districts 1,6,7) All Leighton Media stations in Alexandria, Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, St. Cloud, and Winona participated in the "Gratitude on Repeat" campaign which encouraged its listeners to nominate a non-profit to receive $25,000 in radio advertising. This campaign has helped local non-profits raise over $1,000,000 since the campaign's inception. The "Gratitude On Repeat" campaign recipients include Ivy's Legacy Foundation, The Shalie Lipp Foundation, Humane Society Otter Tail County, Terebinth, and Winona Area Humane Society.

KCHK-AM/FM New Prague (District 1) KCHK-AM/FM raised $4,157 with their Holiday CD Sampler. Proceeds from the sale of the Holiday CD Sampler goes to Le Sueur County's "Shop With a Cop" program.

KWNG-FM and KCUE-AM Red Wing (District 1) In November 2024, the Q-Media Group stations in Red Wing teamed up to collect 1,550 pounds of food and $400 in cash donations for the Red Wing Area Food Shelf during its Project Food Shelf Campaign.

WPVW-FM Plainview (District 1) helped to collect 300 pounds of food and over $1000 in cash donatioons for the Plainview Elgin Food Shelf during live broadcasts on November 15th and November 16th.